

Report your data
Showcase your findings with embedded dashboards on your website or share directly with colleagues to make informed decisions. Do less work, get all the kudos.

Get Started
AI-Powered Integration
Leverage AI for advanced transformations and flow building.
Enhanced Data Quality
Ensure accurate, consistent, and reliable data.
No Code, Easy to Use
Simplify workflows with an intuitive, visual interface.
Advanced Transformations
Easily transform your data with powerful tools for customization and automation.

Discover our application


Choose any type of chart


Create reports using any type of chart to effectively present your data. This flexibility ensures your insights are clearly communicated and easy to understand.

Use one of the many charts from below
Add Column
Date converter
Delete column
Invert Rows
Join Tables
Prefix/Suffix Column
+ much more..

Drag and drop to show your data

Data Visualization

Simplify data visualization with easy drag-and-drop functionality. Add, move, and adjust dashboard elements effortlessly, creating dynamic presentations without coding skills.

Drag and drop inBoard

Create dashboards and share them


Analyze data YOUR way by creating stunning and effective dashboards. Showcase your findings with embedded dashboards on your website or share directly with colleagues to make informed decisions.

Metric Editor


Create, modify, and manage performance metrics of key performance indicators (KPIs). Define the criteria for measuring various aspects of performance, set targets, and customize how data is displayed and analyzed. This tool is essential for tracking progress, identifying trends, and making informed decisions based on quantitative data.

Metric editor

Embedded Dashboards

Streamline your external reporting by embedding dashboards on your website. Share data and insights with
customers, business partners, or the general public easily.
Embedded dashboard

All-in-one platform

You are only 3 steps away to showcase your data.
Upload data and clean it
Model your data
Create dashboards

We can help with your data. Interested?

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