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More information on cookies

Cookies used for correct functioning of the website

We use some cookies to ensure that our website functions correctly, such as:-

  • To determine your language;
  • To save your search history on our website.

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent the use of these cookies other than by stopping the use of our website.

Third-party functions

Our website, just like most websites, also includes third-party functionalities. For example, “Follow us” panel by Linkedin included in the website. If these cookies are disabled, this will likely block the functionalities provided by these third parties.

Social network cookies

There are several cookies that are used by social network services for tracking the use of embedded services etc. For this purpose, we provide on our website buttons intended for sharing contents on these networks.

We use following social network cookies:

Linkedin (More information).

The consequences related to the protection of privacy in this area will differ among the individual social networks and will depend on the personal data protection settings chosen on these networks.

Visitors’ statistics cookies

We also use cookies to draw up visitor statistics, e.g. to determine how many people have visited our website, which type of technology they used (e.g. Mac or Windows – this helps us determine in which cases our website does not work as it should for specific technologies), what time they spent on our website, which page they viewed the most, etc. This helps us continuously improve our website. These programs, so called “analytics”, also indicate how people reached the website (e.g. from Google search engines) and whether they had already visited it previously – this helps us spend more money to develop the services for you instead of spending for marketing expenses.

We use following visitors’ statistics cookies:

Google Analytics (More information).

Advertising cookies

Cookies are very commonly used in online advertising. Neither we nor our advertising partners can obtain personal data from these cookies. You can disable almost all advertising cookies through your web browser even though we would prefer if you did not do so, as advertising helps keep most of the internet content free of charge. It should also be emphasized that disabling advertising cookies does not mean that advertisements will no longer be displayed – they will merely not be personalized.

We use following advertising cookies:

Google AdWords (More information).

Facebook pixel (More information).

HubSpot (More information).

Remarketing cookies

Occasionally, you may notice that an increased number of specific advertisements are displayed after you have visited a website. The reason is that the advertisers pay for such advertisements. The technology that enables this uses cookies, specifically “remarketing cookies”. We use these advertisements to make special offers, to motivate you to return to our site. You should not worry about this – we are unable to address you actively as the entire process is fully anonymous. You can disable these cookies at any time, as explained above.

We use following remarketing cookies:

Google AdWords (More information).

Administration of cookies settings

In order to ensure your protection in conformity with the law, we are not allowed to use all cookies without having your prior consent. To this end, we divide the cookies we use into two categories. Those necessary for correct functioning of the website or performance of a service you require from us, on the one hand, and other cookies, on the other hand. The former category is described above in this information message and we can use these cookies even without your consent.

Disabling or limiting cookies

In most cases, you can disable cookies by modifying the browser settings in that you disable cookies in the browser. If you do so, you will limit the functioning of our website, as well as many websites worldwide, because cookies form a standard part of a majority of modern websites. In respect of cookies, you might be concerned about “spyware”. Please note that rather than by disabling cookies in your browser, you can attain the same objective by installing an anti-spyware software that automatically removes cookies considered invasive.

Below, you can find a link to the cookie’s settings in individual browsers:

From time to time we may change the cookies used on our website. If you are interested in which specific cookies are used ,please do not hesitate and contact us at

GDPR Privacy Policy V1.2, Copyright Qengine LLC 2020

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  1. License
    • Definition:
  • Licensee- Customer
  • Licensor – QEngine LLC, dba “ Inzata”

1.2. License Limitations. The scope of licensed use of the Software set forth in the Service Agreement shall be the licensed scope applicable to the Software installed in the Inzata Cloud.
1.3. Licensee Responsibilities. Licensee shall (i) comply and be responsible for its Authorized Users’ compliance with the Terms and Conditions Agreement, this Use of Data Agreement, applicable laws and government regulations; and (ii) use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access to or use of the Inzata Cloud and notify Licensor promptly of any such unauthorized access or use.


2.1. Hosting. All electronic data and information stored or managed by means of the Software by or for Licensee, including the results of data analysis embodied in the Dashboards and any other Software reports and outputs, is “Licensee Data.” Licensee Data does not include the Software or any third-party software interoperating with the Inzata Cloud. As between Licensor and Licensee, all Licensee Data is deemed Licensee’s property.
2.2. Data Back Up. Licensee acknowledges that the Inzata Cloud is not a system of record, and all Licensee Data remains on the systems and data repositories from which the data processed on the Inzata Cloud is sourced. Inzata is only responsible to restore data that has been backed up from the Dashboards as provided in the Backup Schedule set forth on the Sales Order, or to rebuild the Dashboard data from the data sources.
2.3. License to Licensee Data.
2.3.1. Licensee grants Licensor and its affiliates and contractors a worldwide, limited-term license to host, copy, use, transmit, and process Licensee Data solely as reasonably necessary for Licensor to perform its obligations under the License Agreement and any applicable Sales Order. Except for the limited license granted herein, Licensor shall acquire no right or title to Licensee Data.
2.3.2. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, processing of  Licensee Data  may include: (i) uploading, hosting, combining, analyzing, creating graphs and visualizations, displaying and delivering Licensee Data as directed by Licensee using the Software functionalities; (ii) performing Cloud Support services; (iii) providing business intelligence consulting services; (iv) using Licensee Data to create aggregated and anonymous statistical reports to monitor Licensee’s use of the Inzata Cloud and Software and to improve Licensor’s products and services, provided that such statistical information does not disclose Licensee Confidential Information; and (v) maintaining logs for compliance with data retention laws and internal security and disaster recovery policies.
2.4. Responsibility for Licensee Data. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that Licensor does not screen or review Licensee Data in the Inzata Cloud. Licensee warrants and represents that it has the right to access and use the Licensee Data with the Inzata Cloud and to permit Licensor to access and use the Licensee Data as provided herein. Licensee shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the collection, use, transfer and processing of Licensee Data, including but not limited to laws and regulations relating to the collection, use, transfer or processing of any personal data, third party Intellectual Property rights, and any other laws and regulations pertaining to the use or dissemination of any Licensee Data via the Inzata Cloud.
2.5. Data Deletion.
Licensor will erase all Licensee Data from the Environment within seven (7) business days after the expiration or termination of a Subscription Period.


3.1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Service Agreement, and in addition to any disclaimer of liability in the Service Agreement, Licensor shall have no liability arising from: (i) any disclosure of Licensee Data by Licensee’s Authorized Users or through the functions and settings of the Software deployed on the Inzata Cloud under Licensee’s control; (ii) claims alleging that Licensee Data violates the Intellectual Property rights of a third party, including copyright, privacy rights, data protection rights, database rights, trade secret, or trademark (including data made available by or on behalf of customers); and (iii) damages or losses, if any, caused by any modification or adaptation made by Licensee to the Inzata Cloud without Licensor’s express and prior written consent.
3.2. Indemnification by Licensee. Licensee shall defend Licensor against any claim, demand, suit, or proceeding brought against Licensor by a third party arising in connection with Licensee Data or Licensee’s use of the Software or the Inzata Cloud in violation of the Sales Order, License Agreement, and these Inzata Cloud Terms and Conditions (each a “Claim”). Licensee shall indemnify Licensor from any damages, attorneys fees, and costs finally awarded against Licensor as a result of a Claim or for any amounts paid by Licensor under a settlement of a Claim by Licensee, provided Licensor has (a) promptly given Licensee notice of the Claim (provided that Licensee’s obligation hereunder shall be relieved only to the extent any delay in providing notice has actually prejudiced the defense of such Claim) and (b) Licensee shall have sole control of the defense and settlement of the Claim (provided that Licensee shall not enter into any settlement that admits liability on behalf of Licensor or imposes any obligations on Licensor other than cessation of use of the allegedly infringing item or payment of amounts indemnified hereunder) and (c) Licensor shall provide Licensee all reasonable assistance requested by Licensee, at Licensee’s expense.

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